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Should We Give Money To Panhandlers?

Matthew 5:42 Give to the one who begs from you, and do not refuse the one who would borrow from you. Should we give money to the homeless who beg from us? Over the past few years the number of panhandlers in my area has increased and I’m left wondering ...

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The Rooster Will Always Crow!

Roosters have had a place in society for thousands of years. In America, they often bring thoughts of farm life in days gone by.  One imagines being awakened by their shrill crows long before the rising sun, thanks to their internal “clock.” The visitor to Key West, Florida, can watch ...

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The Essence of Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is my favorite American holiday. Upon moving to Minnesota, one of my American coworkers invited our family of three to her house for Thanksgiving. After dinner, the host put the left-over turkey in the big cast iron pot to the outdoor porch piling up several inches of snow. It ...

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