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Jesus and Michael Kor

There it hung, perfectly positioned to catch my eye. As my daughter and I  walked through the store, it’s shiny perfectness was just beckoning me. I seriously debated;  calculated the pros and cons, tried to justify in my head a reason to spend so much money on something so trivial ...

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Are you ready for the Rapture?

What if Jesus Returned on a Saturday Night or Sunday Morning? Will you be in a club, church, work, school, hospital, etc.. Your location at this time is not important, my question to you is this, “Will you be ready for the Judgement?” But as the days of Noah were, ...

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Feeling Like A Leaf In the Winds of Sin?

Autumn was a favorite time for us as children. Although it meant the return to  classrooms for another year of school, it also meant a trip to the apple orchard outside our city. We would jump out of the car upon arrival and pick beautiful red and yellow apples from ...

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