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Are You Living In A World Of Hope?

If you are like me, the world conditions are on your mind a lot. People are living without hope and peace. The world’s problems are not getting any better; they are only getting worse. Added to this is that many people don’t have any assurance of experiencing a better world. ...

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What A Beautiful Name

A lone voice singing out “You were the Word at the beginning.” That’s how the song “What a Beautiful Name” by Hillsong Worship opens up, with the sentiment of John 1:1-2, which says “In the beginning the Word was with God and the Word was God. He was with God ...

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How To Share Christ With Your Baby

I texted a friend last week with a heavy question: How do you begin sharing Christ with your baby? There are half a dozen children’s Bibles wedged between the books on my daughter’s shelf. Every night we pray with her and again for her before we go to bed. I ...

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