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Who Determines Our Identity?

I thought I knew who I was, a descendant of Irish, German, and English immigrants. But after having my DNA tested, followed by  family research, I was surprised to find that some of my ancestors came from Scandinavia and Spain. And upon further search, I believe I have found a ...

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Parents: How to Get it Right

What’s your favorite thing to worry about? Don’t worry (pun intended), this isn’t going to be another lengthy article about the problems of worry, stress and anxiety. No, I simply ask because I’ve discovered that (for today) my pet worry is parenting. And I simply hope I’m not alone. I ...

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World Peace, Or The Peace That Only Jesus Gives

I have an opportunity to speak in a chapel service at a local Christian high school. The principal told me that the theme for this school year is the fruit of the Spirit, and at the time which I would be speaking they are focusing on peace. So, I decided ...

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