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Fight the Goliath: The story about the missionary, Avril Varosky

Hudson Taylor, the English missionary, founded China Inland Mission in 1865, which became OMF International in 1965. Pastor Doug Vavrosky, born in America, along with his wife Avril Vavrosky have been the missionaries sent by OMF since 1981. They served in Taiwan for 12 years and still focus on Chinese ...

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An Explanation of the Trinity

For 2000 years, Christianity has taught that God is a Trinity, not because of church councils, not because of traditions, and not because of denominational confessions, but because an honest reading of the Scriptures leads us to conclude that God exists as a Trinity. What is the Trinity? Simply put ...

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Artificial Intelligence Being Used to Replace God

“This new religion states that men can make a new god for himself…worshiping a computer is like bowing down to a tiny gold elephant, the only difference is that the new version has an on-off switch and needs to be plugged in.” This is the response of Rabbi Moshe Avraham Halperin ...

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