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This is the War

One week before Halloween last year, the neighbor across my house erected a purple inflatable witch with a black hat on the top and green fingers like craws stretching out in the front yard. This is the beginning of my fighting of prayer. Every morning, I walked by and prayed ...

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The Winds Of Change

“I will make a new covenant with Israel. I will put my law in their minds, and I will write them on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people” (Hebrews 8:10).   A murky atmosphere floated in, blanketing Jerusalem after Rome conquered their territory. ...

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A Visiting Angel

I like to wake up early (See Poem) and meet with my Lord. It is quiet and dark, and no one is around usually to interrupt my solitude. It is just me and my Lord, and well, my two two new best friends who are always with me. They seek ...

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