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The Bible Diet

We eat healthy food and exercise to have a fit body, but what about our worldview? How many of us consume junk and do nothing when it comes to our worldview? Our worldview, the way we think determines the way we interact with the world around us. If our worldview ...

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Angry Letters from a President

When Abraham Lincoln felt anger towards another, he would often pen an anger-filled letter to the individual in which he would allow his feelings of frustration to flow freely. Once the letter was written, Lincoln would allow himself a time of regaining control of his emotions after which he would ...

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No Matter How You Cut It, Christ’s Coming Is Near

We may already be living in the trumpets-of-Revelation-stage. The Book of Revelation speaks of seven trumpets, each announcing certain events that occur on Planet Earth in association with the coming of the Lord. Carl Gallups makes a very compelling and well documented case in his book, “Final Warning,” that all of ...

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