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Even Jesus Appreciated a “Thank You”

The thank you note seems to be a lost art in today’s busy society, but it was once considered the only appropriate response to acknowledge a kindness. During the 19th century, even the receipt of a letter to update one on your family’s well-being or recent travels was reciprocated with ...

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What to Expect When Converting to Christianity

I’ve heard comments from unbelievers and seekers that one of the things holding them back from accepting Jesus as Lord and savior is that they don’t really know what to expect. One person said they don’t want to end up as some Bible thumping Jesus nut, and another mentioned a ...

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Facing a Storm? He Knows the Way You Take

On Sunday, April 14, 1935, a massive dust storm struck the Great Plains.  Caught in its grip were  unsuspecting farmers caring for their livestock and faithful church-goers attending worship services. The “Black Blizzard’ suffocated jackrabbits and dropped whole flocks of birds from a pitch-black sky.  Residents spoke later of being ...

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