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Caution: Sin is Infectious!

“We know nothing; we are at sea in a whirlpool of conjecture.”  Thomas Wakley, Editor of The Lancet, on the spread of Cholera, 1853 For centuries, the cause of infectious disease remained elusive while physicians struggled to find answers.   Beginning in the Middle Ages, poisonous, unseen vapors that reeked in ...

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Heroes Of The Bible: Elijah Vs The Prophets Of Baal

My all time favorite prophet in the Old Testament is Elijah. There is just something about him that I love. Maybe it is his courage in the face of overwhelming odds that I like so much, there is just something inspiring about one man of God facing off against hundreds ...

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An Orchestra Made From A Landfill

If one did not know any differently, from the way it sounds, it would be a professional orchestra. This young group of musicians are as good as they come. They have toured the world. They have performed for Pope Francis, and with Stevie Wonder, among others. But they are not ...

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