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I’ve Left My Life

It is the physical law of how any new life begins that something must first die (John 12:24). This statement of truth by Jesus is not an easy plan. Jesus is giving us what must happen in the Spiritual world. Man needs a Spiritual rebirth by a work of God ...

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Our Hope: He Gives Us Rest

“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.”  Matthew 11:28 (NASB) This past week I have been on vacation with my 17-year-old granddaughter.  She has been here in our home for two weeks, and will remain for one more.  While I will be ...

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A Good Name, or Gold?

Among my father’s things we found a letter dated May, 1886. The handwriting had faded, but the words of Robert White, minister at Sea-View Cottage in  County Down, Ireland, still attest to the character of my great-grandfather, James. In the letter, the minister bore testimony to the “honest”, “industrious”, and ...

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