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Enduring Sound Doctrine In These Difficult Times

As people conduct their daily business as usual the reality is that there are five areas that have radically transformed the world we once knew. All of what will be said in this article applies on a global scale, but it is more evident in the United States because of ...

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God’s Word on Waiting

The young couple’s story began on a chilly Halloween night in 1930 while attending  a masquerade ball. The young man had left high school four years earlier to take a job with the local electric company, helping  his father make ends meet for a family with nine children. The young ...

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Knocked Down But Not Out

The trials of life will have you feeling Knocked Out. I sit reflecting on life, not only about myself but what is going on in this world today. Senseless killings, unemployment, drugs, death, etc, but in a deep sense we all are born dying. Just that thought leads me to a ...

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