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Knowing God Completely

They were never on the earth at the same time, but they belonged to the same family and they mirrored one another. One was a boy during the Great Depression, living on a farm with no electricity or indoor plumbing, the other was born into a modern twenty-first century world. ...

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Is There a ‘Cure’ For Health Care?

I don’t pretend to know all there is to know about the health care, or insurance industries. I do know enough to know that it’s confusing and I would prefer to not deal with the whole process. Neither, however, can I accept that a little common sense and fiscal responsibility, ...

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Do We Have Free Will?

I have often heard it said that God gave us free will so that we could choose Him. Is this true from a Biblical standpoint? Does the Bible say we have through free will the ability to choose God? Well free will means to make a choice at ones own discretion, ...

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