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Accessing our Spiritual Inheritance

spiritual inheritance, keys to the kingdom, accessing our inheritance, joint heirs with Christ

A woman who worked for an attorney told how sometimes estates are settled and there is difficulty locating the beneficiaries. All the wealth of a lifetime amassed, sitting there, remains untouched as the office tries to track down a distant relation. We have an inheritance as believers, for “the Father ...

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The Look of a Lie

It was known as the “captain of death” for centuries, but Tuberculosis had a deceptive air of beauty on the surface. A Victorian woman was considered beautiful when her lips were ruby-colored, her skin translucent and pale, and her eyes bright and sparkling. But it was the look of a ...

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What We Say Really Matters

“An anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him up.” Proverbs 12:25 Last Sunday morning I was driving through my neighborhood in my little car with the top down. It was a lovely morning, and the sunshine just made me want to smile. I was on ...

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