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Difficult Times As These

Have you ever been at your lowest or even saddened about what’s going on in the world today or just with life period? I ask this because my heart saddens each time I turn on the TV. Our younger generation is losing its way, families are against one another, violence, drugs, you ...

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Nehemiah 8 & 9 The professor was teaching from the book of Nehemiah. I had been reading ahead of him because he was boring me. He was expounding on the facts of who wrote the book; when was it written; why was it written – facts, facts, facts. I was ...

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Our Hope: Forever True

“Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” Hebrews 11:1 (NIV) Have you ever wondered if your faith was what it should be?  Or maybe even questioned if faith is really real? I think all believers ponder these kinds of things. ...

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