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We Are–All Together Separate!

We have heard it said many times: “A house divided cannot stand.” It is a simple and wise truth. It is not so simple though, to keep a house united. By the grace of God and the sacrifices of many loyal patriots, America has united it’s house better than any ...

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Transformed: Repentance Is Power

Are you struggling with an issue in life that you just can’t seem to overcome? Perhaps an addiction to something? Or a bad habit like laziness? Unloving behavior? Anger control issues? There is a power residing within that allows us to overcome all the problems of the world. 1 John ...

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Compelled To The Feast

“Those invited to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, are not merely ‘Invited’ but are COMPELLED to come in.”  ~ A.W. Pink “Why do you spend money for what is not bread, and your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to me, and eat what is good, And ...

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