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Jesus, Roll Me Away Like That Stone

Today seemed like a bit of a rough day for me. So many things can build up in life and then they can make one feel stiff, like a rock. I think it’s because parts of us shut down that shouldn’t be shutting down, but we do it as a ...

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When God Came Knocking On The Satanist’s Door

Some people say they felt God knocking on the door of their heart, well for me it felt as if the Holy Trinity kicked down my door SWAT team style. April 21, 2007, was the day it happened. God came storming into my life with such a presence that it ...

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Is There A Special Ability God Has For You?

What are spiritual gifts? They are just what the name implies-gifts given to each believer by God’s Holy Spirit working through people in unique ways to accomplish his purposes. They are not trained abilities nor natural talents. I have never had a writing class, but God has given me a ...

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