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Believing for Better!

Have you ever been around the world in 4 minutes and 44 seconds? Well, that is exactly what we are going to do as we experience together Hezekiah Walker’s music video “Better.” Together, he and numerous singers from around the globe anticipate through song the world becoming a better place. ...

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Loving The Unlovable, The Different–And Yourself

Loving the unlovable is challenging at best. Even loving yourself can be difficult. Remember, Jesus gave His disciples what He called “a new commandment” (John 13:34). That commandment was simple, but difficult. “Love one another, as I have loved you” John 15:12, 17. We are living in times that love ...

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Eight Ways To Be A Standout Christian In A Culture Gone Mad

Rebellion, lawlessness, and civil unrest has become a regular occurrence. Among some there is no respect for law enforcement. Common sense and decency is severely lacking. If one disagrees with another, that person is called a racist or bigot. Even freedom of speech has become a lost right and privilege, ...

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