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The Legacy You Choose

Something that has been on my mind a lot lately is the motivation people have for choosing a particular path. Our “legacy” is very important because it’s not just about us, but others as well. When you pass on into the heavens, how do you want to be remembered? What ...

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How To Tell Someone The Gospel In 5 Minutes Or Less

When I explain the Gospel to someone, I hit on three different questions: What is wrong with the world? Why is the world like that? How can what is wrong be set right? By going through those three questions I can explain the Gospel to someone in under 5 minutes, ...

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We Can Be the Change?

Oh boy! Have you watched the news lately? There are so many problems going on in this world. Poverty, hunger, sickness, crime, wars and rumors–too many things to mention it seems. Whether at the personal, local, national or international level, many trials and tribulations exist and threaten to poison our ...

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