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Walking Through Holy Week with Christ

From one extreme to the other. From lifted up to beaten down. From “Hosanna in the highest” to “Crucify him, crucify him.” These are the highs and lows, the ups and downs, that we witness as we walk through this Holy Week with Christ. It began with Palm Sunday and ...

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Sooner Than You Think!

 Quick solutions have been around for hundreds of years.  They promise relief from physical or  emotional pain, or  appeal to our desire to improve our well-being in some fashion. But their consequences often come to light only when it’s too late for a change of course.When we are suffering or ...

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Just Let It Go: Have a Heart That Forgives

Have you ever had someone tell you, when you’re in the midst of complaining about the person who wronged you, “Just let it go.” “But you don’t know what he did to me!” you say. Or maybe it’s, “You don’t understand how humiliated I was when she said that in front of ...

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