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Forgive to Love Others

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you.” John 13:34. In life we will come across some people we trust that might betray us. How do we deal with those relationships? Our Lord answered that question in the Upper Room the ...

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The Victory and Hope of a Life Reborn

The arrival of spring is heartily welcomed in Minnesota where winter lingers for almost a half-year. The two-parted whistles from male Northern Cardinals is often heard in the early spring. While lifting my head up to search for the birds, I cheerfully found little buds springing from the tip of ...

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Fountain of Life

I dedicate one noon of the week to fast and pray for myself and other people. One day while I kept my promise to fast and pray with a healthy fear to God, I was led by the Holy Spirit while reading the Bible and sensed several polluted, ignorant sins ...

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