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The Resurrection Is The Earmark of a Real Christian

What does the resurrection of Jesus Christ mean to you?  Did a person living on earth 2,000 years ago actually rise from the dead, bodily and physically? To many people it is just another story. For Christians it is the whole basis of our faith. History itself attests to an ...

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God’s Best…For All That Is Left

Honor is always out-of-season for a fool. He will seek it! He will even demand it, but like desiring snow in the summer-time, what he seeks will never come to him. His high opinion of himself and his self-righteous cause is never shared by others. He is neither deserving of ...

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Imagine All Speaking The Same Thing!

I have a question…With church and personal evangelism nearly nonexistent and no signs of Revival, leaving family and church altars dry and empty…Who will lead these children to Christ?…..Will they have a Bible Church to disciple them? …Who will tell them about Jesus? Who? ~ Pastor Timothy Parker “But if ...

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