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A Victim of My Own Mind

“Help, I’ve been taken hostage!” “By what?” you may ask. By my negative thoughts, fears, anxieties and the like. By my mind, yes, my very own mind. Well, it’s time for me to be honest about this, to confront it and put it to rest. Here’s what I’m talking about. ...

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Knowledge Without Truth

We are approaching “that moment in mankind’s history when all the advances in technology, particularly in artificial intelligence (AI) will lead to machines that are smarter than human beings.” This is a statement by Ray Kurzwell, Google’s Director of Engineering.  Furthermore, the year 2045 has been targeted for multiplying “our effective intelligence ...

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Does God Get Emotional?

Ah … the rainbow of emotions! We can be green with envy one day, feel red-hot anger the next, or be overcome with the blues when we’re saddened. Sometimes, we may feel greens, reds, and blues in one day’s time! Whether it’s anger that pops up at an  inconvenient time, ...

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