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Wake Up Early

Wake Up Early I wake up Early in the morning. The Sun is only beginning to rise. It’s quiet in the morning. There is no else that I can see. Yesterday’s failures haven’t awakened. They’ve not time yet to remind me. Of all my need to grieve. Today’s struggles are ...

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I am “Samson”, Just Like You

Character is important.  Not just because it pushes us, but because it also defines us.  Saying we were “created in the image of the Creator” is just the beginning.  We still have to branch off from our own personal genesis and decide who we really want to be. It’s like ...

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Sole Dance–How to Please An Audience of One

There are many types of dance that cannot be done alone. Imagine a finely dressed gentleman attempting to Foxtrot without a partner, or a graceful lady waltzing around a ballroom floor alone!  Life is filled with occasions that require more than one individual to do the exact same thing or ...

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