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Something Is Wrong With My Church

Most of us love our church. We love the Bible teaching, we love the preaching, the music, and the fellowship. And yet, more and more church members are recognizing, “Something is wrong with my church!” The primary function of the church is as Christ commanded in Mathew 28:18-20. If there is ...

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Could You Be Saved But Not a Free Christian?

Are you the person who goes on the bus with a seat and still carries your heavy, bulky backpack on your back, even when the driver kindly reminds you to put it down because it will be a long way to the next stop? This analogy completely reflects my spiritual ...

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Gossip: Leaking Classified Information

Leaking classified information pertinent to the safety of our country is treasonous, treacherous and vile. What is the best countermand to deal with a “leak”? Douse it with “burning coals”? “If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat; if he is thirsty, give him water to drink. In ...

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