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America Is At A Spiritual Crossroad

I recently came across a photo on Facebook that was very telling. President Trump was praying with his U.S. Supreme Court nominee and his family. What a contrast to what is happening in our culture. Prayer is going on in the White House while rioting is occurring on the streets ...

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This Is…I Love You!

— Ephesians 5:31 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.   This is…I Love You I love you. I love you too … She says. Prove it to the world. I whisper in ...

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R-E-A-L News

RISE above the “white noise” of this world to reach people for Jesus! This is an action statement not for the faint of heart. Fear of the unknown and great change seems to bring out the worst in “us”. Despite differences in ideology, must our discourse always devolve into anger? Maybe ...

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