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Immigration: Compassion Versus Keeping America Safe

Suppose three total strangers knock on your front door. Two are nice and decent people, but one is out to get you. The problem is that you do not know who is who. Would you invite all three of them into your home?  You might rather take some time to ...

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Is Your Marriage Facing Love’s Great Fall?

According to the US Census Bureau and the American Psychological Association, 40 to 50 percent of all marriages end in divorce. The reason most given is—irreconcilable differences. This means whatever the problems that this life brought to them, they could not find a way to solve them together. The overwhelming ...

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Love’s Great Fall

He once carved a heart in a tree. An arrow pierced the heart. His love I knew. It had pierced this heart of mine. This great love; I thought—Was for all time. That tree has long since been cut down. So to, has the love in my heart. Once strong ...

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