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Are You Asking, “Why Me God?”

Are you thinking why me God? Why do I have to go through so much pain? Why are things so hard? For what purpose must I bear all this pain? Are my tears flowing for no reason? Have you thought about giving up but realized you can’t? No man in ...

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Guard Your Clothes!

The story by Hans Christian Andersen about the proud, showy emperor tells the tale of pride getting the best of a ruler who cared only about his outward appearance and the parading of his many beautiful clothes. Then, when he is swindled by two pretend weavers who feign the creating ...

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Is God Silent During Suffering?

Recently my Japanese friend, a missionary in Japan, asked for prayer about her troubled feeling aroused by the movie, Silence, shot in Taiwan by Hollywood director, Martin Scorsese. According to Time Magazine, “Silence is a somber epic about Jesuit priests struggling to keep their faith in violently anti-Christian 17th century Japan”. ...

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