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I Wonder: What Have We Forgotten About Freedom?

I witnessed a rare thing today! It brought tears of joy to my eyes. The whole world witnessed it as well. I wonder! How many in America realize how rare a thing it is to see this celebration of freedom that took place today with our new president’s inauguration? Few ...

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We Need God To Tell The Difference Between Good and Evil

Without God we do not know goodness, He is the standard by which we determine whether something is good or evil, He alone is the law-giver and informs our morality. That moral code is found only in the Holy Bible. I know a lot of atheists will object to me saying ...

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The Most Important Decision You Will Ever Make

On Christmas Eve, around 7 p.m., I received a frantic phone call from my mother, she informed me that my grandmother had just died. My grandmother lived her 88 years on this earth apart from God, until about four months ago. My grandmother surrendered her life to Jesus Christ in ...

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