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How To Get Started In Apologetics

Have you even been in a conversation or overheard one when someone says something about God that you know is a lie? Did you remain silent because you did not know how to respond? Pretty much every Christian has had that experience. I remember one incident when someone in class spoke ...

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Satan’s Great Worldly Gospel Deception

It is Satan’s great worldly gospel deception that anyone can experience Christ and not be totally changed. As my artist friend titled this featured artwork: “Duplicity On The Loose.” It is a false gospel on the loose! du·plic·i·ty NOUN: a. Deliberate deceptiveness in behavior or speech. b. An instance of ...

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It’s A “God-thing”

It’s a “God-Thing”. How many times over the course of your day do you reference this contemporary terminology? Do you use it when you sleep through your alarm and yet amazingly the traffic is a breeze and you arrive to work with time to spare? Maybe you murmur it to ...

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