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Can You Spot America’s Greatest Enemy?

To truly be a super predator, an enemy needs to have a scheme to overcome its prey. Have you ever watched a cat take down a mouse? He knows the mouse is quick and agile, but he also knows that if he positions himself correctly, he can surprise the mouse ...

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It’s A New Season: Let Intercession Arise!

intercession, prayer, new season, shift in the earth

Many people are sensing it. A shift has taken place in the earth. “I’m not a political person, but in October I felt a new stir to begin praying for the nation and for the church,” one woman said. Another commented similarly, saying God spoke to her through a dream ...

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What’s Your Whale’s Belly?

“I sank beneath the waves, and death was very near. The waters closed above me; the seaweed wrapped itself around my head.” Jonah 2:5 God had Jonah right where He wanted him … in putrid darkness with nothing but time to think about his decision to run from Him. Jonah ...

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