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A Prayer For The New Year

— Romans 13:11 Isaiah heard the voice of God asking him, “Whom shall I send, and who shall go for us?” Isaiah heard God’s call and answered Him, “Here am I. Send me!” We are commanded to, “Go, and tell this people” a very harsh message. Some will hear and ...

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The Difference Between True and False Religion

There are only two religions in this world, the true one and the false one; the one of faith and the one of works; the one of God’s grace and the one of human effort; in other words–Christianity and everything else. The false one takes many forms, be it Islam, ...

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“Speech Is Silver—Silence Is Golden”

A proverb, whose writer is unknown, says silence is “golden.” While this saying is true in its intended meaning, how golden really is being silent? Sometimes it is preferable to keep one’s mouth shut than to speak words that will only harm. This saying mostly, though, is only true for ...

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