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How To Stay Healthy During the Winter Months

As winter approaches, the sunlight hours have decreased as well as the outdoor temperature. The winter is known as “cold and flu” season and for Seasonal Affective Disorder (depression that is brought on by the decrease in the sun’s rays, primarily happening only in the winter months). More people suffer ...

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Are You A Throne or A Manger?

And the day had started with such promise. Bradley Porter jiggled his leg as he sat at his desk scowling at his assignment. He was a smart boy, earning top marks in every subject. He loved his little Christian school, sporting a pressed uniform and cardigan; but most of all ...

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Our Hope: Find Your Hope

If there is one thing I have learned over the past year it’s that hope never leaves.  It is always present, always ready, and always available.  Just like grace is free, so is hope.  However, we must sometimes reach out and ask for it, and accept it within ourselves. I ...

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