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What Does God Remember?

I have some vivid memories of our old house: making blanket forts over the dining room table and hiding underneath, playing with my mother’s costume jewelry in my parents’ bedroom when I should have been  napping, and the Christmas season when Santa visited and left a small china cup on ...

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Why Rejection Wounds So Deeply

Rejection “speaks” loudly, it says, “You are not good enough to be accepted.” Rejection attacks the very person that we are, and destroys our self-esteem. We were all created to be loved, accepted and to belong. Many who have experienced rejection in early childhood continue to battle with rejection in ...

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What Kind Of World (part 2)

Yesterday, I asked the question: “If there is a God, why is there so much pain and suffering in our world?” Today we continue exploring that topic. Christ died becoming the first fruits of righteousness. The fruit of our suffering is seen through our sanctification; being made perfect as He is perfect. ...

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