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What Kind Of World (part 1)

Many still ask the question: “If there is a God, why is there so much pain and suffering in our world?” To those who still are asking this question, I respond with a question of my own—What kind of world do you want to live in? God could have made ...

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Disagreeing with Respect

The recent election brought the differences in America into sharp focus.  It presents an opportunity we as Christians cannot afford to miss!  Separating ideas is a necessary step to building understanding and ultimately creating unity.  In fact, separation is part of creation. Consider the opening passages of Genesis and observe ...

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The Exodus Crossing of the Red Sea: Fact or Fiction?

The crossing of the Red Sea in Exodus is one of the most profound stories ever told. It is taught to children in churches. It was made into a movie. Is there evidence that this really happened? For those who take the Bible literally combined with the supernatural power of ...

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