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Benefits to Becoming More Thankful

Feeling down? Want a technique to immediately lift your mood? Think about something that you are thankful for! Repeating this daily can permanently change and lift your mood. This will also have the potential to effect those closest to you. You have the potential to rewire your brain by continual ...

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Fruit from the Holidays

There’s nothing like the holidays to highlight the challenge of relationships.  Our hearts crave connection.  God made us that way.  In fact, He created humanity because He craved relationship.  The challenge is that most everything conspires against honest, loving relationship.  With Christ, that challenge becomes incredible opportunity for improved relationships ...

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More Thankful than a Turkey

Thanksgiving is almost here. Soon it will time for everybody to get together and chow down on some bird and watch football. Even if football isn’t your thing, you may still check out one of the many parades across the nation or even get together with family and friends to ...

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