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Having Hope and Security in a Shaken Up World

“We have started to accept once more that our life is not our own and God has altered our path once again.” These were the words of a monk right after the severe earthquake that recently struck Italy. Surely, indeed, there is an element to life that goes beyond our ...

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Anxiety or Peace: You Make the Choice!

Nature is a God-given source of peace—when we focus on the right things. Consider the Golden State of California, with its dessert climate of unique flowering plants such as the bird of paradise—as colorful as a tropical bird and shaped like one as well. Dark mountains rise up around many ...

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The Christian’s Guide to Voting for the Right Candidate

On November 8th, something huge in going to happen in the United States of America.  For many of us it is the day we will vote for the next president of our country.  Not only that, but many others will be elected into important positions as well, who will go ...

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