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Sin Weaves a Web of Destruction

As I settled down in the living room this morning, I grabbed my laptop, ready to begin my day. I looked up into the foyer and was distraught to see a five-foot stretch of spider web suspended above my furniture. As I examined it more closely, I discovered it was ...

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Hollywood: The Great Politician

So recently there has been a lot of buzz over bills in several states that want to protect churches and religious groups by allowing them to make choices concerning the LGBT community, as to not violate their beliefs.  In addition there have been similar bills which seek to put restrictions ...

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Prolonged Physical Life, Or Living Life With Purpose

How does one prolong life? This has been a question for many years. A new discovery is strengthening the possibility of adding up to 10 years to a person’s life. Protein molecules called GSK-3 are responsible for shortening life. According to Wikipedia, they serve as regulatory agents. New research shows ...

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