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The Race Against Racism

Over the past few days the issue of racism has been on my mind.  I don’t think it was random, and I believe God put it there for a reason.  I mean, this is some serious stuff.  Just the other day, I remember reading about GAP being in hot water ...

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Campus Voices: Choices Our Students Must Make

As parents, we all remember our children’s “firsts:” first tooth, first word, first step, and first day of school. For many of us, there were feelings of fear or anxiety, sadness or loneliness, as we waved goodbye and left them in the hands of a teacher for the first time. ...

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Bible Translators Must Keep The Truth In Scripture

A recent headline caught my attention: “Bible Translators Making The Scriptures More Acceptable To Appease Muslims.” In this article it was stated that Wycliffe Associates will not be renewing its affiliation with Wycliffe Global Alliance, consisting of over 100 translators because, according to Bruce Smith, president of Wycliffe Associates, there ...

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