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What Have You Done About Jesus?

Our precious Savior, Jesus, will be returning soon.  I am sure you have heard it before–and it’s closer now than it ever has  been.  My grandparents said they heard that when they were children.  It was true then and is still true today. One important part of that announcement centers ...

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Where Will The Jews Find Refuge In The Tribulation?

There is a city of Old Testament times in southern Jordan called Petra. It is a major tourist attraction. Several scenes from “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade” were filmed there. It also has prophetic significance. Some Bible scholars believe it will be the place of refuge for the Jews ...

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On Fire for Jesus

What does it really mean to be “on fire” for Jesus Christ?  Not just lukewarm or cold but on fire? You see Jesus Christ is always on fire for us. His commitment never wanes but stays red hot all the time. Why? His unconditional love for us keeps Him red ...

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