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“Take this cup from me”–When God Says No

The night before what would become known as Good Friday, Christ was so upset that he sweat blood (Luke 22:44).  He knew what the following day held for him, and that it would start in only a matter of hours when Judas betrayed him with a kiss. And in Christ’s ...

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God’s Watchful Eye Over Your Loved Ones

Do you have loved ones living a long ways away? Perhaps you have a college student thousands of miles from home. Maybe an elderly parent is living alone. I have a young single son living out of town. Whatever your situation might be, you probably worry about them at times, ...

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7 Practical Steps as You Are Waiting For God

Waiting is difficult, and if we are not careful we can grow weary and despondent as we wait. Sometimes it seems that we have been waiting forever for God to fulfill His promises to us. Sometimes we may even lose hope, as hope deferred can make our hearts sick. What ...

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