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King David, Peter and You–God Uses the Unqualified

“God does not call the qualified, he qualifies the called.” Christine Caine If you are at all like me, you will have believed he could call others, but not you.  This is simply not true.  Through you, Christ does His work.  You need no skills, no great fortune, just to ...

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Tales Surrounding the Tomb

Imagine you are among the multitude gathered around the tomb of Jesus. Sobs fill the air as many mourn the loss of their dearest Friend. Some whisper to others, sharing their memories and their grief. Yes, I’m sure there were many tales surrounding the tomb. Mary, the mother of Jesus ...

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Arise and Shine–Expectantly!

On the Sunday before Jesus’ crucifixion, the crowds welcomed Him expectantly.  His popularity soared on that day–so much so that the people intended to make Him their king.  They were ready to force the issue, if necessary.   They cheered, applauded, and celebrated His entrance into Jerusalem by paving His way ...

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