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Searching for Meaning in a Meaningless World

I sought the world and all its glories, A life of pleasures and no worries. I did not withhold a single treasure, I took anything I wanted, every pleasure. I was writing my success story, For I lived for fortune and glory. Oh the food and drink, and women galore, ...

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The Gates of Heaven

Jesus Christ had opened up the gates of heaven for us forever! He died the most excruciating pain a man ever died on Calvary. Some will say “Yeah but we was part God and man and He could take it!” True but he was created in the image of God, ...

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Antonin Scalia, Eagles, and the Number 13

A great mystery surrounds the recent death of United States Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia on February 13, 2016. He was a pillar of conservative values and an uncompromising upholder of the United States Constitution. The same weekend of Scalia’s death, 13 bald eagles were found killed in Maryland, even ...

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