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Tearing Down Walls Through The Love of God

Walls. We are hearing a lot about them. Some politicians want to build a wall across America’s southern border. There is the Great Wall of China, and the wall that existed when Germany was a politically divided nation. There are racial walls, and emotional walls of bitterness between people. Walls ...

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God Takes Our Prayers Seriously

Let us make no mistake about it. God takes our prayers to heart and He takes them very seriously. He has made His throne of grace and His presence available to us through prayer. He tells us in Jeremiah 33:3 ‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell ...

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Satisfied to be Obscure?

He emigrated with his family from the country of Germany. The boat they sailed across the Atlantic was described as a sail boat, which no doubt made for a perilous voyage even for an adventurous young boy. His father believed in education, and saw to it that his growing family ...

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