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What to Expect In Your First Year of Recovery

Getting help for any addiction is no easy task, and the first year of recovery can be challenging to say the least. Knowing what to expect the first year of recovery can help alleviate some of the stress that can accompany the vast changes and the unknowns. Recovery progress will ...

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Do You Have a “Whatever” Attitude?

Whatever! Doesn’t that word just infuriate you? It does me because it’s typically used alongside an I-don’t-care attitude and/or the rolling of the eyes. What do you want for dinner? Whatever. What would you like to do? Whatever. I think this would be a good idea. Whatever. No, I really ...

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Andy Mackie: Defying Death And Sharing The Gift of Music

By all rights, Scottish born Andy Mackie should have technically and medically died a long time ago; but instead he used his last years to “pay it forward” to a multitude of school kids.  He gave his reason for the extended life opportunities as being tied to giving away the ...

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