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How to Cope with a Recovering Drug Addict or Alcoholic

Addiction effects the entire family. After recovery or even during recovery, the family will face consequences of the addict’s poor choices such as financial difficulties and health problems due to the chronic stress of dealing with an addict. When a family member who is in recovery comes back into the ...

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Is Your Default Setting One of Attitude or Gratitude?

Sometimes I just hate computers and everything that involves computers! I spent all of the last week going around and around with three different computer/program-related problems. First off, I was having trouble with my e-mail that was venting off somewhere into cyberspace after I transferred my domain name from one ...

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I Just Want To Testify: Simple as 1, 2, 3–My Personal Story (Part 2)

In my last article, I posted a user-friendly list of questions (suggested by Shannon Ethridge) that make telling your HIS-tory with Jesus a simpler process.  Plugging your specific details into the answers to three easy questions makes for a beautiful testimony of God’s redeeming power.  I know it will give ...

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