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The Word of God is Never Void

God’s Word was here before the beginning of time. God and His Word are so intertwined that God honors His Word above His name. His Word is very important to Him because He cannot lie and every prophetic Word He has ever spoken will surely come to pass. (Prophecies that ...

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Where’s The Doctrine?

The older generation may remember a television commercial decades ago when hamburger fast-food chains were opening. It featured an elderly lady driving up to the window and yelling, “Where’s the beef?” Today, many Christians should be asking, “Where’s the doctrine?” To call oneself a Christian, doctrine does matter. But sometimes ...

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Fear: A Treasure?

False Evidence Appearing Real Often, this is what fear is:  something vague, somewhere in the distance, something deceptive that seems so real to our emotions.   We fear the very thought of so many dreadful things that could happen, though most will never materialize. The thought “what if” often brings with ...

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