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Take a Step Back and Breathe in the Holy Spirit

This last month of my life has been like a whirlwind. I have had major changes come into my life–good changes but they have disrupted my normal routine. I have tried so desperately to connect to God this month, but I have been consumed with the cares of this life. ...

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God’s Got Your Back!

Have you ever had a Bible verse or passage jump out at you? I certainly have, and most of the time, it’s a verse or passage that I know I’ve read a hundred times or more. And I find myself wondering, How in the world did I miss that? It’s ...

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Are You Flogging the Donkey?

In the Bible, Numbers 22 carries a very powerful story about a seemingly stubborn donkey. You see, Balaam was summoned by a mighty king to come over and lay a curse on the Israelites. God advised him not to go, but he insisted on going anyway. He stood to gain ...

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