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How to Effectively Cope with Change and Transition

Just recently I had a major unexpected change come into my life, and it has drastically altered my daily schedule. Many times when life takes a dramatic turn we initially feel displaced or out-of-sorts. Times of transition in our lives can cause disorientation, mental/physical fatigue, lowered immune system, sleeplessness, agitation, ...

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Are You Eating Foods Some Experts Won’t?

Do you eat canned tomatoes, corn-fed beef, microwave popcorn, non-organic potatoes, farmed salmon, milk containing artificial hormones, or conventional apples?  Chances are you eat these regularly as do a myriad of other individuals.  Unfortunately, these choices are less than stellar options for your health.   In a  post, I read ...

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Top 3 Reasons to fall in Love with Love

Isn’t love a beautiful thing? Or so they say… but C’mon, if you’re honest with yourself, you’ll admit that love is lovely. It is a fact that heartbreak is inevitable—and definitely no fun. Still, you would have had to experience true love to know what true heartbreak feels like. I ...

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