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The Transfiguration

Imagine you are standing on a mountain top on a cold blizzardy night. Jesus calls you to follow Him up this steep mountain incline. He is leading every step of the way. You are wondering why He is calling you to follow Him in these atrocious weather conditions. You know ...

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Persevering Through Depression And Seasonal Affective Disorder

After reading this, please check out our friends at Positive HealthWellness.   They have some excellent tips for dealing with Seasonal Depression. The winter months are a giant Catch 22.  Kids get to enjoy a snow day filled with snowball fights and hot chocolate while the adults get to unbury their ...

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True Love Is Found in the Ordinary Romance

What is true love? What is it REALLY? I have a silver plaque directly above my desk and on it is written these words, “A Romantique”. I am a hopeless romantic. After all these years, after all these broken hearts, and yes, even several suicide attempts, I have come to ...

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