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God Is On The Move – Marvelous Things Are Taking Place

I hope you have noticed that God is on the move.  Yes, He is always tending to this world, but lately, He is displaying His actions more obviously and more frequently.  I am noticing it in my own life and am hearing of it from others who are close to ...

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Use Technology to Memorize Bible Verses

It’s a fact. Jesus had numerous encounters with the devil—some more heated than others. But the temptation in the wilderness had to be one of the biggest showdowns ever. Satan thought it was acceptable to tempt Jesus and doubt His character. Two things can be said about Jesus and Lucifer ...

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You Gave Everything

There is an old hymn that has this memorable line in it:” He gave His life what more could He give?” This is the eternal question what more could God give? He gave Jesus Christ His only Son on Calvary for us. There is no greater gift God could have ...

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